Dr. Prashant Kumar (Faculty)


Dr. Prashant Kumar

Assistant Professor,
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

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Doctorate (MNNIT Allahabad)
M.Tech (MNNIT Allahabad)
Subject Expertise
Digital Signal Processing, Analog/ Digital VLSI, Microprocessor & Microcontroller, Embedded System, Digital System Design, Digital Communication etc
Area Of Research
VLSI architectures for DSP Applications, Low-power VLSI circuit design.. etc
Professional Experience
a) 4 years of experience in the Telecom industry ( Govt. PSU) b) Worked in Pvt. Sectors in software and core domain
List Of Publications
Prashant Kumar et al. "ASIC Implementation of Area-Efficient, High-Throughput 2-D IIR Filter Using Distributed Arithmetic." Circuits System Signal Processing (Springer) 37, 2934–2957 (2018), SCI (IF: 2.715)
Prashant Kumar et al. "High-Throughput, Area-Efficient Architecture of 2-D Block FIR Filter Using Distributed Arithmetic Algorithm." Circuits System Signal Processing 38, 1099–1113 (2019). SCI (IF: 2.715)
Prashant Kumar et al. "Efficient Architecture for the Realization of 2-D Adaptive FIR Filter Using Distributed Arithmetic." Circuits System Signal Processing (Springer), 40, 1458–1478 (2021). SCI (IF: 2.715)
Prashant Kumar et al. "An Efficient Block-Based Architecture for Reconfigurable FIR Filter Using Partial-Product Method." Circuits System Signal Processing (Springer) 41, 2173–2187 (2022). SCI (IF: 2.715)
Prashant Kumar et al. "Realization of Efficient Architectures for Digital Filters: A Survey." In: Advances in VLSI, Communication, and Signal Processing. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 587. Springer, Singapore (2020)
Prashant Kumar et al. "A Brief Survey on Hardware Realization of Two-Dimensional Adaptive Filters" In Advances in VLSI, Communication, and Signal Processing. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 587. Springer, Singapore (2020)
Prashant Kumar et al. "Hardware Realization of 2-D General Model State Space Systems" International Journal of Engineering and Technology , 9(5):3659-3668 (2020) (Scopus)
Abhinav Kumar, Prashant Kumar et al. "Polarization Independent Ultra-wideband Meta-material Absorber Using Conductive Ink Resonator." Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 1(1), 39–45 (2024) (Scopus)
Prashant Kumar et al. " Designing of Digital FIR Filter by Optimizing Group Delay Using Improved Reptile Search Algorithm" High Technology Letter, 30 (1), (2024) (Scopus
Abhinav Kumar, Prashant Kumar, et al. " Design of an ultra-thin Polarization-Insensitive Quad-band Meta Material Absorber for C and X-Band Applications" Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology, xv(12), 78-87, 2023. (Scopus)
P. Kumar, et al. "A survey on the hardware realization of 2-D state-space filtering," 2017 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication Technologies (ICETCCT), Dehradun, India, 2017, pp. 1-5.
P. Kumar, et al. "A novel approach for Low Voltage, Low Power deep Sub-threshold 5-T SRAM cell," 2017 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication Technologies (ICETCCT), Dehradun, India, 2017, pp. 1-5.
P. Kumar, et al. "High throughput adaptive block FIR filter using distributed arithmetic," 2016 1st India International Conference on Information Processing (IICIP), Delhi, India, 2016, pp. 1-6.
P. Kumar, et al. " Low complexity, high throughput, energy efficient, pipelined and reconfigurable ASIC realization architecture for multi-layer perception models" Neurocomputing, Volume 598, 14 September 2024, 128013, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2024.128013 (SCI, IF: 6)
Conference Attended (National/International)
IEEE, IEEE Signal Processing Society
Awards and Honors
Worked as a reviewer for the following reputed international journals 1. IEEE Transaction on Circuit and System I 2. IEEE Transaction on Circuit and System II 3. Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Hindawi) 4. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing (Wiley Journal) 5. Advanced Control for Applications 7. International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications 8. Telkomnika 10. International Journal of Electronics ( Taylor & Francis)
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