Assistant Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering
7002785035 | [email protected]
B.Tech (Civil Engineering): CUSAT Kochi 2005-09 |
M.Tech (Geotechnical Engineering): IIT Guwahati 2009-11 |
Geotechnical Engineering |
Air Pollution Engineering |
Surveying |
Civil Engineering- Societal and Global impact |
Thermal-Mechanical characterization of thermal backfill |
Hydraulic and shear characteristics of bentonite-based material |
Unsaturated soil characteristics |
Geotechnical characterization of Pavement-Subgrade |
Sr. section engineer/ design N F Railway Maligaon-GM (Construction), Guwahati, Assam 2011-2018 |
Assistant Professor-BCE Bhagalpur 2018-Onward |
Pawan K. S. and Sreedeep, S. (2014). Evaluation of bentonite based thermal backfill materials, Environmental Geotechnics, Thomas Telford, Vol. 1(3), pp. 179-188, |
Pawan, K. S. and Sreedeep S. (2011). “Thermal characteristics of a swelling soil.” Indian Geotechnical Conference, Kochi, India. (Best Paper biennial IGC award-2012 |
Sah, P.K. and Krishna, A.M. (2014) " Estimation of Rock Mass Parameters using Intact Rock Parameters, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Special Issue on National Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering: NCRACE-2013, Vol. 3(Spl. 4), pp. 117-124. |
Sah, P. K., George, M.K. and Krishna, A.M. (2014) “Comparison of Tunnel Wall Displacement using Analytical and Numerical Method: A Case Study” North-East Students Geo-Congress on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering (NESGC 2014), Guwahati, India, 18 Oct 2014, (CD-Rom). |
Sah, P.K., Kumar, S.S. & Sreedeep, S. Thermophysical Properties of Bentonite–Sand/Fly Ash-Based Backfill Materials for Underground Power Cable. Int J Thermophys 44, 57 (2023). |
Sah, P.K., Kumar, S.S. & Sreedeep, S. Thermal conductivity and specific volume heat capacity of bentonite–fly ash-based fluidized thermal backfill. J Therm Anal Calorim (2023). |
Sah, P.K., Kumar, S.S. (2024) Thermal diffusivity of bentonite–sand based engineered backfill material. Sādhanā 49, 30. |
Sah, P.K., Sah, B.K. & Kumar, S.S. (2024) Sustainable utilization of sewage sludge ash in stabilizing subgrade soil: an appraisal. Environ Dev Sustain. |
Sah, P.K., Kumar, S.S. (2024) Assessment of thermal conductivity prediction models for compacted bentonite-based backfill material. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. |
Sah, P.K., Kumar, S.S. (2025) Thermal conductivity and shrinkage characteristics of bentonite-fly ash and bentonite-sand backfill material. Granular Matter 27, 6. |
Professional Development Training Programme (Virtual Mode)” Organised by IIM Visakhapatnam, From 27-29 January, 2021. |
Professional Development Training Programme (Virtual Mode)” Organised by IIM Kozhikode, From 11-15 January, 2021 |
FDP: “Recent Trends & Research Opportunities In Civil Engineering Field” organised by Deptt of Civil Engineering Bhagalpur College of Engineering Bhagalpur from 17-21th August 2020, |
IP-21A/2020-2021/20490: “Induction Training-Phase II” organized by NITTTR Bhopal, during 03-14th August 2020 (2 weeks). |
FDP: Advanced Excel with Data Visualization conducted by E & ICT Academy, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, from 22 June-3 July 2020 (2 weeks) |
STC: “Pavement Construction Practices” Orginised by MIT Muzaffarpur, From 23-27 November 2019 (one week). |
IHP/2019-20/13512: “Induction Training-Phase I” In-house Training Programme at BCE Bhagalpur organized by NITTTR Kolkata, during 18-22th October 2019 (1week). |
STTP/2019-20/16033: “Induction Training-Phase I” organized by NITTTR Kolkata, during 20-31th January2019 (2 weeks |
FDP: “Future Aspects of Renewable Energy Innovation” organised by Deptt of Mechanical Engineering Bhagalpur College of Engineering Bhagalpur, during 17-21th May 2019. |
STTP/2018-19/7095: “Health Assessment and Rehabilitation of RCC Structures” organized by NITTTR Kolkata, during 14-18th January 2019. |
UKIERI Workshop: “Seismic Requalification of Pile Supported Structures” organized by IIT Guwahati during, 07-09th January 2015. |
QIP-STC GEPD-2014: “Geotechnical Engineering Practices and Developments” organized by IIT Guwahati during, 06-10th January 2014. |
Management Development Programme” organized by N.F. Railway Maligaon Assam, during 11/3/2013-15/3/2013. |
Biannual Prize for Best paper Award (IGC)-2012 |
Meritorious service certificate for the year of 2014-15 (N F Railway Maligaon Assam) |
Awarded MHRD (Ministry of human resources & development, India) fellowship for M. Tech (2009-2011). |